2 min

When to publish?

We live in a spiral galaxy. Nearly seventy percent of the galaxies closest to the Milky Way are spirals. The centre of a spiral galaxy is a glowing bulge of dust and gas orbited by a rotating disk with spiral arms of brilliant stars. The centre of the bulge sometimes masks a supermassive black hole.

The spiral galaxy reminds us of the abundance of possibilities for making connections.

We can create IN community and we can create FOR community.

I’ve always enjoyed creating in community, gathering to bring our creations to life alongside each other. We feed on collective energetic sustenance to keep our projects alive and on accountability to keep our bottoms in the chair to get the work done.

The larger community we serve as creators is our audience. How do you know when something is ready for publication? How do you find a place to publish your work?

One of my other projects is Poetry Present, a weekly email publication. It's a poem delivered to your inbox every Saturday. Connect with our community and join us by clicking this link. Sometimes ideas will spark when we engage in the work of others.

“The great spirals... apparently lie outside our stellar system.”

Edwin Powell Hubble

Let's Create

Visit your community. Notice through a new perspective. Pretend you are a tourist in your town. When I did this I walked along the harbour, sat on a bench at the beach enjoying something from the bakery, and spontaneously decided to buy a ticket for an evening show.

Reflect on the experiences along the way, aiming to have a five-dimensional moment where you can describe it through each of the five senses.

Extension: Invite a friend to do this too and then share.