1 min

How do you practice honesty and courage when you create?

Here are five ways I practice creating with honesty and courage:

  1. I practice the art of noticing. Not only seeing, but understanding the significance of what I am seeing (or experiencing). Then, I use this information to capture the essence of what I’ve learned on the page.

  2. I let go of control when I am creating and let the creation lead me somewhere. I release my expectations and trust that whatever forms was meant to form (for now). I can regain my sense of control during the revision phase of the process.

  3. If I enter into creating something that is emotionally difficult, I light a candle. When I’m done, I blow out the candle. Using ritual can help to establish boundaries and safety.

  4. If I don’t want to share a creation because it is too personal, then I don’t share it. Creating with honesty and courage is separate from the act of sharing the work with an audience.

  5. I often close my eyes when I am creating, pausing only when the inner voice fades. Closing my eyes helps me to listen. I’m doing it now as I write this note. I allow my inner voice to lead me through the piece.

What shifts have you noticed in your creative practice?

“You have to be careful with the stories you tell. And you have to watch out for the stories that you are told.”

Thomas King

Let's Create

Create or write something that captures the spirit of a friendship you had in your youth.

In this video I discuss the relationship between the writer and what she is writing.

How do you write who you are?